The Student Handbook is carefully revised and edited each year to preserve the integrity and accuracy of the program and standards.

The Student Handbook is designed to provide you with vital information you will need to successfully navigate the year as a student at GCBI and can be downloaded below.  While this handbook has been carefully reviewed for accuracy and completeness, the Institute reserves the right to make modifications, amendments, or changes as necessary. All students without regard to date of admission, application, or enrollment are subject to the most recent published edition of campus policies.

We believe God has called us to be a distinct witness for Him in these days. For this reason we ask each student to adhere to the following statement:

“I am acquainted with GCBI standards and recognize the difference between Biblical absolutes, Biblical principles in a Christian community, and individual matters of discretion. I also recognize the need for the administration to reflect these in establishing policies and procedures. ThoughI may not fully understand or agree in every respect, I will keep them with God’s help while I am enrolled as a student at Great Commission Bible Institute.”